In my previous post, I finished my first sock...singular...sock. It was a dorm sock made for Brad using the cozy Mission Falls superwash. I took it with me on my business trip to Oriskany Falls to knit on the other during the 5 hour drive up. I got quite a bit done on the other sock. Well - on the way back I dropped my credit card IN the door (long story) and had to take the rental car to a dealership so they could remove the door. Before I went in, I stashed the sock in the glove compartment so no one would laugh at my one big purple sock...well...hours later when I dropped the car off, you know the story...I forgot to take the sock out and now Enterprise has my sock captive. I haven't bothered calling and chalked it up to a sacrafice to the knitting gods...and I can use the other two balls of yarn for something else...maybe even a scarf for me!!
So I started working on one of the two blankets for my cousin Stephanie that is expecting twin boys in February. I picked up some yarn in Nashua and some Ann Norling basic blanket patterns. I have been knitting on this blanket on and off for a while, but got a majority of it done on my current trip to Ireland. It has travelled all over Ireland with me this week and will be in England on Tuesday, where I hope to finish it! So, I'm thinking of sewing a small tag on it that says, "Made in the USA, Ireland, England and everywhere in between."
I also finally picked a sock pattern for my beautiful sock yarn I picked up in Tennessee over Christmas. I chose a simple baby cable ribbed pattern and have only started it. I hope to have at least one done by the time I make it back to MA on Friday afternoon. I will make sure I keep eveyone posted on the progress of these two projects over the next week.

I believe it's the Yarn Harlot that takes her knitted socks in progress with her on her travels and takes pictures of her socks next to a landmark to show the progression of her sock...that is a great idea, but I think I might be too lazy to actually do that!!
I will be traveling a lot more in the next few months and hope to get much more knitting done and many more posts up! I haven't been keeping current with mine or others for that matter!!!
If you would like to read my blog about my travels in general to Ireland and England, check out This is my first trip to Ireland and there are many new "discoveries" since I've been on the road!
Addition to a Knitter's Chrismtas:
I believe it's the Yarn Harlot that takes her knitted socks in progress with her on her travels and takes pictures of her socks next to a landmark to show the progression of her sock...that is a great idea, but I think I might be too lazy to actually do that!!
I will be traveling a lot more in the next few months and hope to get much more knitting done and many more posts up! I haven't been keeping current with mine or others for that matter!!!
If you would like to read my blog about my travels in general to Ireland and England, check out This is my first trip to Ireland and there are many new "discoveries" since I've been on the road!
Addition to a Knitter's Chrismtas:
As I was reading my previous few blogs, I completely forgot to post one of my favorite gifts that I received over Christmas. Carrie actually made me needle holders for my DPN and I absolutely adored it! I'll have to wait to get home to take a picture of it, but I absoltuely loved it!