I have been feverishly knitting away the past few days as the knitting bug has finally bitten me again. We were in the UK for two weeks and I didn't get as much knitting finished as originally anticipated. I only brought Christa's baby blanket and just can't seem to get motivated to work on it. I think it's because I'm not too fond of the shade of blue. Her twins were born in February and with one blanket completed, I think the babies will outgrow the blankets before I can finish them. So I've decided to continue on with the baby blankets as many other friends have announced their pregnancies! I am going to whip Christa up a few baby hats and booties.
I also finished one of my socks! The gorgeous hand painted yarn pictured in a previous post has now become a sock! I'm going to cast the other one on tomorrow...hopefully!

I have also started a handbag - my first felting project! My best friend Rhonda gave me a subscription to KnitSimple with the understanding that I would knit her a handbag that she saw in another magazine she bought. Her birthday is 4/20, so I've got the handbag working for her and I'm going to give her the pair of socks mentioned above. I'm also giving her my favorite book - Marley and Me by John Grogan. She has a lab and I know she'll love the book. She has already mentioned it to her book club!
With that, I have also cast on some fingerless mittens from the knitty.com website - the fetching pattern for my girlfriend Jenny. I found some gorgeous cashmere blend yarn during a trip last year to San Diego and it is this beautiful pink color - her favorite!
So, you can see that I have multiple projects going on as I have progressed in my knitting. I start to become bored with a single project and have the urge to start new things! The death of a knitter, right? I'm never going to have a decent stash...
And to top everything off...my digital camera broke while we were in Ireland...I promise to post some pics as soon as we get it fixed or muster the justification to purchase a new one!!