I FINALLY finished Christa's blanket..s. I used two Ann Norling patterns. Her patterns are pretty easy and it takes a short time to memorize the pattern so I didn't have to lug the pattern with me on the flights.
Christa ended up having twins on us which made her knitted baby blanket, plural. I have been working on them since Christmas, sometimes not really being motivated to work on them. I get bored with things (reference knitting ADD post below) but finally was able to finish the last blanket on my trip this week to Mexico City. To be honest with you, I've only worked on those blankets during international flights...Both of them! I went to Mexico City, twice. I went to Ireland and the UK twice. All four trips, I had and finished Christa's blankets on...I think only because I had nothing else to do on the flight!
So those are ready to be washed and shipped to GA! Her twins were born a few months ago, but only weigh about 10lbs now, so the blankets will hopefully still be useful. I ditched the idea to make booties and hats instead of the blankets.
Well, now that those were done, I thought - yeah, no more babies. Then two of my friends notify me that they are too, in fact, pregnant. Although I could just knit them booties and a hat, I just think, to the non-knitter, a hand knitted baby blanket has a little bit more meaning. Don't you think? Maybe it's just me, but that's how I feel. Luckily, I have a 8 hour blanket pattern by Plymouth. I made this one for a girl at work and it turned out gorgeous. It does knit up pretty quickly, as you use two strands of Encore held together on size 10 needles.
TO TOP THIS OFF - I shipped the socks off to Rhonda along with my favorite book in the whole world...and FEDEX LOST THE PACKAGE!! I spent a whopping $45 to ship it overnight and two weeks later, still no package. I have to file a claim next week, but I'm utterly pissed that my first pair of socks and my favorite book have gone missing. Those two things are completely meaningless to anyone else that would happen to get them...why, God, why?
I have also procrastinated going to the LYS to pick up the overstitch yarn for Rhonda's purse. I've finished both sides of the purse and am waiting to do the gussett of the purse until I do the overstitch. I'm heading off for a girls day tomorrow with Patricia, while my husband goes off to motorcycle safety school for the weekend. His last attempt to hold onto his 20's as he prepares to buy his first motorcycle. SO - that leaves the day to me and Pachy. We're going to buy some material to make curtains - I have no idea how to sew, but she is going to teach me...and how hard can curtains be? If all else fails, I can buy the iron on strips to make the curtains, right?
Then we're heading off to the LYS to buy more yarn. I need more sock yarn...I'm addicted to sock yarn now. It's all I can think of...sock yarn, sock yarn, sock yarn.....I need to feed my addiction, only to procrastinate when I buy it. I just feel safe knowing that I have some. I'm a weirdo...please tell me there are other sock yarn weirdos out there...we can start a group. "Hi, I'm Jennifer and I have a sock yarn obsession." "Hi Jennifer."
So sorry to hear about your missing socks. Those blankets are beautiful. What pattern did you use? I went to Ann Norling's site, but could tell which ones you used.
Hi - I love this one:
Can you tell me where you got the pattern? I'd love to use it.
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.
Good Evening,
The blankets are beautiful. What pattern did you use? I would like to use it. Of course, my yarn is different that yours ( Pound Of Love). I CAST ON 80 st, on Size 11, holding 2 strands together.
Thank you.
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